906 James Gray
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : One of the finest photographic collections of Brighton and Hove was patiently compiled over the years by James Gray. He lived in Hove for many years and was the chief clerk of General Accident Assurance in West Street, Brighton, but his main interest was in local history. Gray had a weekly column in the Brighton and Hove Herald showing one of his old photographs and comparing the scene with a recent picture of the same spot. He started collecting photographs when he was 18 and continued until his death in 1998 when he was 96. By this time he had 9,000 photographs neatly stacked in 40 volumes. After his death, the Regency Society bought the collection and deposited it with the borough council. They raise money from individuals and companies to fund the work volume by volume so that people can see part of the collection on line. They have now reached volume 20 out of 39. If enough money is available all the images will eventually be available on the net as the pictures are too precious for many people to handle them. Gray was also an ardent fan of Brighton and Hove Albion. He was a member of Brighton Swimming Club and went in the sea every day of the year including Christmas Day.
906 Scania Omnidekka - carried name since delivery in September 2006 in Metro 25 livery. Livery changed to Coaster 12 in July 2008. Repainted into revised Coaster livery August 2011. Coaster branding removed November 2014.
Bus sold in October 2018.
A website shows some of his collection