872 Captain Henry Hill
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Members of Brighton Council were an imposing bunch during Victorian times and Captain Henry Hill was among their number. He lived in a fine house at Marine Parade from 1865 until 1882 and was a councillor for many years. Hill chaired the Fine Arts sub committee and was largely responsible for developing the art gallery in Church Street. His own collection of 400 pictures has been split among galleries throughout the world. Hill’s paintings included a Whistler, a Monet and seven works by Degas. Brighton’s art collection is one of the best in the provinces but sadly much of it has to be kept in store because of a lack of display space. Hill would almost certainly have left his collection to Brighton but there was an argument between him and the Corporation which led to the pictures being auctioned at Christie’s instead.
872 Dennis Trident - carried name since delivery in May 2002, repainted in new livery March 2006, Metro 5 vinyls added October 2006. Metro 5 branding removed December 2008. Bus sold in April 2014.
Photograph of Captain Henry Hill reproduced with the kind permission of the Royal Pavilion, Libraries and Museums (Brighton and Hove).