845 Queen Charlotte
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : She was the wife of King George III and the mother of George IV. On several occasions she came to Brighton and visited the Royal Pavilion which had been built by her son. On one occasion she was so delighted by the appearance of the palace that she granted £50,000 from her own money towards it, a huge sum in those days. The old Queen was heartbroken when her grand daughter, Princess Charlotte, died in childbirth in 1817. She said of her suffering son: 'He can have nothing to reproach himself with but can say with truth that he made her happy'. She is the Queen referred to in the pub called the King and Queen in Marlborough Place.
845 Dennis Trident - carried name since delivery in March 2001, on METRO Line 5, repainted into new livery August 2005. Repainted into standard livery June 2009. Bus sold in August 2013.