Names on the buses
840 Robert Metcalfe (MET)
Connections with Brighton and Hove : A well-loved teacher of the old school, Robert Lawrence Metcalfe (MET) was known to thousands of pupils and former scholars in Brighton. He taught at several schools, particularly Queen’s Park Secondary and Stanley Deason, where he became deputy head in a long career. MET often offered practical help to pupils including entering them in the Duke of Edinburgh’s award scheme. A formidable figure, he would keep order in the most unpromising of classrooms. He was eventually awarded the MBE and after his death on 25 August 2016, the French Government gave him the Legion of Honour in view of his wartime record. MET was a worshipper for many years at St Margaret’s Church in Rottingdean where his funeral service was held. Former vicar Father Martin Morgan once walked with MET along Western Road and could hardly believe how many people stopped him to say hello. Father Morgan added: “It seemed that everyone in Brighton knew him.”
840 Mercedes Streetdeck on Route 7 - carried name since November 2017.