883 Phyllis Pearsall
836 Phyllis Pearsall
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Phyllis Pearsall Inventor of the A to Z street map Pearsall, who spent most of her retirement at Shoreham, invented the A-Z street map for London when she was 29 years old. Educated at Roedean in Brighton, she moved as a young woman to London to become an artist. She became lost in the capital when trying to find the homes of people whose portraits she had been commissioned to paint. She decided to compile her own street atlas by walking thousands of miles around the streets of London checking and indexing them. Pearsall finished the guide by 1936 but had such little success at publishing it that she decided to do so herself. It was a huge success and the format was later used in other cities. Born in London in 1906, she lived to be over 90.
883 Dennis Trident - carried name since March 2006. Repainted into Route 27 livery May 2011. Route 27 branding removed September 2013. Bus sold in April 2014. Name reappeared on Mercedes Streetdeck 836 in November 2017.