Names on the buses

826 Dame Cicely Saunders

Connections with Brighton and Hove : Dame Cicely Saunders, founder of the British hospice movement, was born in 1918, the oldest of three children. She was educated at Roedean School in Brighton between 1932 and 1937 before going to St Anne’s College Oxford to read politics, philosophy and economics. The war intervened and she felt that she should do something much more positive with her life, so she studied nursing. She was much influenced by meeting a dying Polish man who gave her £500 for what was to be St Christopher’s hospice in London. Saunders caw clearly the need for many dying people to be given proper, expert care and was determined to do something about it. Now there are scores of hospices all over Britain. Shortly before her death, she gave a much acclaimed speech in Brighton which many people found moving. Created a Dame for her hospice movement work, she died at St. Christopher's, the hospice she had founded.

826 Mercedes Streetdeck on Route 7 - carried name since July 2017. Route 7 branding removed August 2021.