816 Janet Turner
886 Janet Turner
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Janet Turner spent most of her life working for the rights of disabled people in her native Brighton. Born in 1945, she suffered from rheumatoid arthritis as a child and later broke her back in an accident. This meant that for much of her life she was in pain and she was often confined to a wheelchair, Janet Turner was a member of the Brighton and Hove Disabled Advisory Group and was also secretary of the Whitehawk Crime Forum. She was a member of the city planning committee and made sure disabled access was considered in any new proposals. Her other interests included animals and she raised money for the PDSA. She also painted glass and was a dressmaker. Diagnosed with cancer in February 2005, she died the following month. Hundreds of people attended her funeral service.
886 Dennis Trident - carried name since repaint in April 2006. Repainted into Route 27 livery May 2011. Route 27 branding removed in August 2013. Bus sold in February 2014. Name reintroduced on 816 Mercedes Streetdeck on Route 1 from December 2016. Route 1 branding removed in November 2020.