728 Sir Arthur Newsholme
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Arthur Newsholme was appointed as Brighton’s first Medical Officer of Health in 1888 and did a great deal over the next 20 years to improve conditions in the town. One admirer wrote later: “No one contributed more in modern England to the growth of preventive medicine and to the improvement in the quality of life for the working lasses.” Newsholme persuaded Brighton to remove all cesspools by 1900, ending a potential source of disease. He started a programme of public education in infant welfare to reduce mortality rates. He also persuaded the council to collect rubbish and waste from metal dustbins. When he arrived, Brighton had 53 private slaughterhouses. Through tough inspections, he forced butchers to sell only healthy meat and established a public abattoir. He did much to improve the condition of the housing stock in Brighton and also had an isolation hospital built. A devout Methodist, Newsholme was a trustee and circuit steward at Dorset Gardens church in Brighton. In 1908 he was appointed as Chief Medical Officer to the Local Government Board. His work there helped lay the foundations of the National Health Service. Newsholme, who was later knighted, died in 1943 aged 86.
728 Scania Omnicity - carried name since delivery in June 2009 in Coaster Sightseeing Express livery, branding removed September 2009. Repainted into Route 2 livery March 2014. Bus sold in December 2017.