724 Sir Edwin Landseer
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Sir Edwin Landseer achieved huge fame doing the Victorian era as a painter of animals. His best known work is still The Monarch of the Glen. Landseer was also responsible for the famous lions in Trafalgar Square in London at the foot of Nelson’s Column. Born in 1807, Landseer quickly showed his talent as a painter and became a favourite with Queen Victoria but his work also had wide popular appeal... In 1841 he moved to Brighton and lived in a house at Regency Square. It is now named after him. At about this time he had a breakdown and suffered for the rest of his life from mental problems. He was eventually declared insane, But his paintings continued and so did the plaudits. He was knighted and huge crowds turned out for his funeral in 1873. The eminent architect Sir Edwin Landseer Lutyens was named after him. His father was a friend of the artist.
724 Scania Omnicity - carried name since delivery in June 2009 on Metro Route 5. Named incorrectly as Edward for first few days. Metro 5 branding removed September 2013. Repainted into Route 2 livery February 2014. Route 2 branding removed June 2017. Bus sold in April 2018.