714 Sarah Forbes Bonetta
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Born in 1840s West Africa to royal blood, Sarah Forbes Bonetta was orphaned in a massacre when she was just eight years old. She was taken captive by King Gezo of Dahomy but her life was saved by British sea captain, Frederick Forbes. He was so struck by the little girl’s intelligence and personality that he talked the King into giving Sarah as a gift to Queen Victoria. She travelled to England where she was presented to the queen. Her Majesty was very impressed by Sarah, eventually becoming her godmother. In 1862, Sarah marred James Davies at St Nicholas church in Brighton. It was a grand affair with 16 bridesmaids and ten carriages. The couple went on to have three children. Sadly, life stresses were to follow. Sarah’s husband had financial difficulties and she developed an incurable cough. She died from TB in 1880 at the age of 37. Her eldest daughter, Victoria, was named after the Queen, who doted on her. She stayed in England after Sarah’s death but her siblings left to live in Lagos.
714 Scania Omnicity - carried name since delivery in June 2009. Bus repainted into standard livery June 2013. Bus sold in August 2016.