707 Les Hamilton
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Starting from humble beginnings, this true man of Portslade became one of the best-known politicians in the city of Brighton and Hove. He worked as an insurance agent but it was as a politician that he found local fame. He was elected to the Portslade urban council in 1958 and became its chairman six years later. When Hove took over Portslade in 1974, Les Hamilton was elected on to the council for North Portslade and even though he was a Labour man, was chosen as Mayor by the Tory majority. Later when Labour took over the council, Les Hamilton became its last Mayor before the merger with Brighton in 1997. He also served for many years on East Sussex County Council and became its chairman. He was in addition a magistrate at Hove. Known for his quick wit and easy manner, Les Hamilton was a popular man who was known for his common sense approach to problems. His son, also Les, is a member of the city council.
707 Scania Omnicity - carried name since delivery in December 2008 on Metro 5. Originally on Bus 869 and then on 808. Bus repainted into Route 27 livery July 2013. Bus sold in April 2018.