706 Alfred Feld
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : One of the best known hoteliers in Brighton during the post war period was Alfred Feld who owned the Norfolk on Brighton seafront. Feld began modestly as a violinist before the Second World War, appearing at Sherry’s in West Street. For some years he ran the Beach Hotel in Regency Square but his big chance came when AVP, which also owned the Bedford and Metropole, decided to sell the Norfolk. The hotel was in a run down state but Feld and his flamboyant wife Lily transformed it into one of the most handsome buildings on the seafront. Extensions were built to provide a rooftop room for entertainment, a swimming pool, car parking and extra bedrooms. All this was done without spoiling the Victorian character of the building. Alfred Feld was also elected to Brighton Council for Regency ward, using his tourism expertise to great effect. He chaired the tourism committee and become Mayor. Feld enthusiastically supported the need for conferences and welcomed the building of the Brighton Centre which opened in 1977. He also proposed a continental style place on the beach. The idea was ridiculed during the Seventies but was later largely put into effect when the Lower Esplanade was improved between the piers in the Nineties. Feld’s son, Robert, took over the hotel company and expanded it greatly before the empire collapsed. The Norfolk is now part of the Ramada group.
706 Scania Omnicity - carried name since delivery in January 2009 on Metro 5. Metro 5 branding removed July 2013. Repainted into Route 27 livery in August 2013. Bus sold in January 2018.