704 Somers Clarke
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Howlett Clarke, established in 1773, are the oldest firm of solicitors in Brighton and have played a leading part in its history. They acted for both the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Clarence. They were instrumental in the transfer of the Royal Pavilion from the Royal Family to the town in the 1850s. Somers Clarke, who lived in Regency Square for many years, gave long service as clerk to the vestry of Brighton. He started the job in 1830 and continued in the post until 1892 when he died. A bust of him was later commissioned for the town hall. The vestry decided on most important issues in the town but gradually its functions were taken over by town commissioners, later councillors. In its prime it was generally a radical organisation and had frequent clashes with the powerful Vicar of Brighton, the Rev Henry Wagner, who was a Tory. It sent a petition to Parliament calling for an extended franchise in support of the People’s Charter. William Attree founded the firm. Its present name was derived from Clarke, who became a partner in 1829, and James Howlett who joined in 1858. The Book of Ancient Customs, a historic record from 1580 of fishing practices, was entrusted to the firm for safe keeping.
704 Scania Omnicity - carried name since delivery in December 2008. Metro 5 branding removed July 2013. Repainted into Route 27 livery in August 2013. Bus sold in April 2018.