678 Jack Howe
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : For more than 25 years, Jack Howe would be on Brighton seafront in the summer doing what he loved best - working with children. Known as Uncle Jack, he ran a talent show for youngsters in the open air at Peter Pan's Playground in Madeira Drive Kemp Town. Born in Yorkshire in 1916, Mr Howe moved to Brighton in 1944 and because an education welfare officer. Brighton Council, who employed him, actively encouraged him to perform at the playground and rigged up a stage for him. Wearing a striped jacket, straw boater and a bow tie, Uncle Jack looked the part and had a natural rapport with children. Good or bad, they were always rewarded with a lollipop. Such was his popularity that postcards from all over the country were sent to him, some addressed simply to Uncle Jack, Brighton. There was mourning among kids of all ages when he died in 1977. He left a wife and two children.
678 Scania Omnidekka - carried name since delivery in October 2007. Regency branding added May 2011. Repainted into revised Regency livery November 2014. Regency branding removed April 2016. Bus sold in May 2024.