674 John Constable
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : The painter John Constable is more often associated with Suffolk than Sussex as his most famous landscapes such as the Hay Wain were mostly from that area. Constable stayed at Mrs Sober's Gardens (now Sillwood Road), he also stayed briefly at Russell Square, Brighton, for about four years from 1824 and liked the light on the Sussex coast. He had previously been there on honeymoon. Constable, who was born in 1776, painted the Chain Pier, the first pleasure pier in Britain, which was new when he arrived. He also completed a number of seascapes. He did not like Brighton much, for even in those days it was crowded, calling it Piccadilly by the seaside, but moved there for the health of his wife. Sadly this did not work and she died of TB in 1828. In Hove Constable painted West Blatchington windmill, which still stands, and the picture was exhibited at Hove Museum in 1993. Constable made two sketches of the ruins of Hove Church and also produced a work called Coast Scene which is either of Brighton or Hove. Although recognised now as one of Britain's greatest painters Constable was not appreciated much in this country during his lifetime and sold only 20 paintings there. He was much better regarded in France. However he was elected to the Royal Academy when 52 and started to ease his financial worries from that time. He died in 1837.
674 Scania Omnidekka - carried name since delivery in August 2007 in Metro 49 livery. Branding changed to Coaster livery in October 2009. Coaster branding removed May 2012. Regency branding added October 2014. Regency branding removed January 2016. Bus sold in May 2024.