664 John Nelson Goulty
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Goulty was a cousin of Lord Nelson and became a well known minister in Brighton during the 19th century. He came to the resort in 1824 to be minister of the Union Chapel in the Lanes which has since become a wine bar. For two years he was secretary of the Sussex County Hospital. He was secretary to the Board of Middle Street school for 31 years. Goulty also helped to found the extra mural cemetery in Brighton and campaigned strongly for the rights of non-conformists. He had many debates with the Vicar of Brighton, the Rev Arthur Wagner. Goulty was particularly annoyed that non-conformists had to pay tithes to the Church of England even though they were not part of it. Goulty started a school for the children of fishermen, almost on the beach at the foot of West Street. He also helped to start the British School in Eastern Road with the help of Lord John Russell.
664 Scania Omnidekka - carried name since delivery in September 2005, on Coaster 12, changed to Metro 25 livery in December 2007. Metro 25 branding removed June 2012. Name removed March 2015.