655 Elizabeth Allan
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : This popular and durable actress was born in Skegness, Lincolnshire in 1908. She was snapped up as a starlet by MGM who took her to the USA. She returned to Britain just before the Second World War and continued to star in films for more than 30 years. Among her best known movies were A Tale of Two Cities and The Heart of the Matter. In later years, she had a second career as a panellist on TV games. Her best known programme was What's My Line? She appeared on it with such luminaries as Gilbert Harding, Barbara Kelly and Isobel Barnett, Elizabeth Allan was a well known figure in Hove where she lived for many years before her death aged 82 in 1990.
655 Scania Omnidekka - carried name since delivery in September 2005, on METRO Line 49. Metro 49 branding removed October 2012.