646 Herbert Wilcox
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Born in 1892, Wilcox was educated at the Convent of the Sacred Heart in Hove. He entered the film industry, after service in the Royal Flying Corps, as a renter in 1919. He established a name for himself in the twenties by importing stars from Hollywood and the Continent. In 1926 he co-founded Elstree Studios and two years later became head of production at British and Dominions. During the thirties he developed Anna Neagle into a star, directing her in a number of historical roles, the most prominent of which was Queen Victoria. Eventually he married her and the couple lived for many years at Lewes Crescent in Kemp Town. After the war he teamed her with Michael Wilding in a number of frothy comedies acclaimed at the box-office. But the tide started to turn against this sort of film and he went bankrupt. By the Sixties he was out of fashion and he died in 1971. His reputation has since revived and his energy recognised. He tried through difficult years to keep the industry buoyant.
646 - Scania Omnidekka carried name since September 2004 on Coaster 12. Repainted into Metro 25 livery August 2008. Metro 25 branding removed and Coaster 12 added April 2009. Changed to Metro 49 livery September 2009. Metro 49 branding removed May 2012. Bus sold in January 2021.