633 Henry Solomon
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Appointed the first Chief Constable of Brighton in 1838. Solomon achieved a reputation, like his namesake, for wisdom. In those days all civic offices including the police were in Brighton Town Hall in Bartholomews. In 1844, a man called John Lawrence was arrested for stealing a carpet from a shop in St James’s Street. He was taken to the Town Hall where Solomon tried to question him. Because Lawrence was distressed, he was asked to sit near the fire to sit down. Three other officials were in the room at the time but failed to keep a careful watch on him. Suddenly he shot up and smashed Solomon’s skull with an iron poker from the fireplace. The Chief Constable died later and Lawrence was charged with murder. He was tried at Lewes, convicted and hanged outside the County Gaol in Horsham. This tragedy shocked Brighton who had seen much good in the police chief who was only 50 years old. Sympathy for Solomon and his large sorrowing family extended far beyond the locality. A public meeting to raise money for the support of the bereaved drew more than a thousand pounds. The office continued in Brighton until 1967 when the local force merged with Sussex Police. His memorial stone is at Florence Place.
633 Scania Omnidekka - carried name since delivery in March 2004, on METRO Line 1. Metro branding removed May 2012. Repainted into Route 48 livery in January 2013. Route 48 branding removed August 2016. Bus sold in November 2020.