614 Sir Charles Aubrey Smith
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Some Hollywood actors, like David Niven, have enjoyed cricket but few cricketers have made it big in films. A notable exception was Sir Charles Aubrey Smith, the son of a doctor who was born in Hove. Smith, who lived in Albany Villas, captained Cambridge University before becoming the captain of Sussex and of England too. His curious bowling action, approaching the crease from an angle, caused him to be known as Round the Corner Smith. After retiring from the sport, he became an actor and appeared many times on the London stage. Then he went to Hollywood where he was much in demand for playing English gentlemen. Smith kept up his cricketing interests in California and founded Hollywood CC whose members included Niven and Boris Karloff. He made frequent visits to his home town and in 1948 watched a cricket match at the county ground in Hove. Smith is buried in a family vault in Hove at St Leonard’s Church.
614 Scania Omnidekka carried name since delivery in July 2003, repainted into Metro 1 livery March 2007. Repainted into standard livery September 2007. Bus sold May 2015.