601 William Attree
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : He set up a legal practice in Ship Street that carried out much of the business in the town. William Attree also became Clerk to the Town Commissioners (forerunners of the council) and vestry clerk. He negotiated the buying of land for the Royal Pavilion for both the Prince of Wales, later King George IV, and for William IV. Attree, who was known as the King of Brighton, also was Lord of the Manor of Atlingworth and the official distributor of stamps for Surrey and Sussex. He held the joint position with the Rev Edward Everard of honorary secretary of the new Royal Sussex County Hospital in Eastern Road.
601 Scania Omnidekka carried name since delivery in June 2003, repainted in new livery September 2006. Repainted into Route 50 livery April 2012. Bus sold in July 2016.