448 Paul Plumb
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Broadcaster and businessman Paul Plumb took a stand against decimalisation when the new currency was introduced in 1971. For several months he kept prices marked in pounds, shillings and pence at his shop in Shoreham High Street. It gained him national publicity. Born in Shoreham, he served as a wireless operator during the Second World War before becoming a salesman and later starting a men’s clothing store. His shop lasted for 30 years and was one of the best known n the town. A pillar of the local community he began a film club in Shoreham and made several movies including A River Runs through Our Town. He started the Shoreham Country Dance Club in 1949 and was also a founder of the Chanctonbury Ring Morris Men. For many years he broadcast folk music on local radio. Plumb gave up smoking and became a fervent anti smoker himself, starting a local campaign. He retired to Wales and ran a smallholding there but soon returned to his local town where he died in 2012 aged 87.
448 Volvo Gemini - carried name since delivery in September 2012 on Route 7. Repainted into Route 2 livery July 2017.