428 Stanley Deason
Names on the buses
827 Stanley Deason
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Brighton was a Tory town until 1986 but many of the great men it produced were Socialists and it says much for the Conservatives that they recognised this. One of them was Stanley Deason, a councillor and alderman from 1928 until his retirement in 1973 who was elected mayor in 1963. Deason helped restore the Royal Pavilion when millions of pounds were needed to restore the palace. He was passionately committed to better education and as a tribute a new school in east Brighton was named after him. Sadly after two name changes, the school in Wilson Avenue closed but the nearby sports centre still bears Deason’s name.
827 Dennis Trident - carried name since delivery in March 2000, originally in normal red livery then repainted into METRO Line 49 livery from April 2003, repainted in the new livery July 2005. March 2012 name transferred to new Volvo Gemini 428 on Route 1. Repainted into Regency livery May 2016. Repainted into Regency Jubilee livery April 2022. Jubilee details removed September 2022.
Photograph of Stanley Deason reproduced with the kind permission of the Royal Pavilion, Libraries and Museums (Brighton and Hove).