914 Daisy Noakes
Names on the buses
928 Daisy Noakes
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Daisy Noakes was a woman whose writing vividly demonstrated what it was like to be living in Brighton with little money before the Second World War. Born in Princes Road, Brighton, in 1910, she lived most of her life in the resort until her death in 2005. Her first book, one of the earliest to have been produced by community publishers QueenSpark, was The Town Beehive. It gave an account of Brighton life last century and particularly of her life in service. It was so successful that it was reprinted many times. Daisy had the writing bug in her by this time and produced two other books, The Faded Rainbow and Street Noises. She also made a successful foray into broadcasting and interviewed fishermen and tradesmen on BBC Southern Counties Radio breakfast programme at one stage. Daisy was also televised many times and featured in an account of women’s history called Out of the Doll’s House. She was a poet who also had amazing recall of verse which she would recite at rest homes and old people’s clubs. Daisy was honoured by Sussex University for her work and given a This is Your Life type presentation. She was also invited along with Dame Flora Robson to Ovingdean Hall School as a guest of honour.
914 Scania Omnidekka - carried name since delivery in September 2006 in Metro 25 livery. Changed to Coaster 12 livery March 2008. Repainted into revised Coaster livery October 2011. Coaster branding removed December 2014. Bus sold in October 2019. Name reappeared on Mercedes Streetdeck 928 in February 2024.