871 Sir Edward Marshall Hall
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Born in Brighton in 1858, he grew up to become one the most successful barristers of his day. F E Smith (later the Earl of Birkenhead), Rufus Isaacs (later the Marquess of Reading) and Edward (later Sir Edward) Carson were all practising at the same time and they formed a spectacular quartet of legal brilliance, very often opposing one another. Marshall Hall was probably the most dramatic of them in court, but he could not manage his finances and got into serious difficulties having to do some journalism to make both ends meet. Sir Edward achieved such a good reputation acting on behalf of notorious alleged murderers, that he was known as The Great Defender. Appointed King’s Counsel, he built up a flourishing and successful law practice and entered Parliament as a Unionist but suffered a decline in his fortunes in later life. There is a plaque to him on his house in Old Steine. Marshall Hall was a model for many later criminal barristers, notably Lord Birkett.
871 Dennis Trident - carried name since delivery in April 2002, originally named Sir Edward Hall renamed in May 2002. Repainted into new Metro 5 livery December 2006 and hyphen removed. Metro 5 branding removed December 2008. Bus sold in April 2015.