718 Ned Hoskins
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Ned Hoskins, artist, and the founder of the Brighton Open Houses art scheme in Brighton Festival in 1982, was born in Croydon, and after evacuation to Yorkshire eventually lecturing in Aylesbury, Southampton, West Sussex and California before moving to Brighton and settling in the Fiveways area. Ned was surprised how little art impinged on the general public in Brighton and decided to open his house and exhibit his and other local artists work. His love of all landscapes and his own particular style of painting the space rather than the object, made his work unique and memorable. His idea of Open Houses has been taken up by artist colonies across the country, but Brighton, under Ned’s guidance was its birthplace. Ned died in 2021.
718 ADL Enviro400 carried name since delivery in March 2024, on Coaster.