Names on the buses

717 Leonard Woolf

717 Leonard Woolf

Connections with Brighton and Hove : Leonard Woolf was born in 1880 in Kensington, London and as a boy studied at Arlington House School, a boarding school near Brighton, then at Trinity College, Cambridge. He married the writer Virginia Woolf in 1912 and they set up the influential publishers Hogarth Press, initially producing hand printed volumes; they collectively published over 400 books. Leonard was a man of letters, political writer and theorist and a civil servant in the then Ceylon (Sri Lanka). The Woolfs were instrumental in establishing the artistic community at Charleston near Lewes and had their own home at Asheham near Beddingham in the Ouse valley. They owned ‘The Round House’ in Pipe Passage, Lewes but never lived there, choosing instead Monks House at nearby Rodmell which they had bought in 1919. Here, Virginia died in 1941 and Leonard in 1969. They both produced a large amount of writing and their collected papers are held by the University of Sussex archive at The Keep archive at Falmer.

717 ADL Enviro400 - carried name since delivery February 2024.