688 Elsie and Doris Waters
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Elsie and Doris Waters were perhaps the most successful female comedians double act of their time, which was mainly the early years after the Second World War. They were born in the East End of London and were the sisters of Jack Warner, the actor best known for playing Dixon of Dock Green on TV. Elsie and Doris, who later moved to Steyning, starred in the music halls. One of their last stage appearances was at the Palace Pier Theatre in Brighton in the early Seventies. But their real fame came on radio when they appeared on the popular Workers Playtime series cast as a couple of chatty women called Gert and Daisy. They wrote all their own material and eventually branched out into films where they were less successful. They also made dozens of records. When their career was faltering in the late fifties, scriptwriter Ted Willis gave them their own TV series called Gert and Daisy. Elsie, born in 1893, survived until 1990, while Doris, born in 1904, died in 1978.
688 Scania Omnidekka - carried name since delivery in October 2007 in Regency livery. Regency branding changed March 2011. Repainted into new Regency livery October 2014. Regency branding removed August 2015. Bus transferred to Go-Ahead North East in August 2020. Name reappeared on ADL Enviro400 733 in March 2024.