687 Dr William Stone
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Dr William Stone was director of education for Brighton at a time of great change and was instrumental in forming both universities. He had the idea for Sussex University, organising a series of lectures in the Royal Pavilion before putting proposals to the education committee. The University started as a college in 1959 and moved on to its present campus at Stanmer three years later. It was one of the first red brick universities in Britain, quickly gaining reputations for being radical and for its excellent standards of education. Dr Stone was expected by some to become vice chancellor but he was passed over in favour of John Fulton and his only reward was an honorary doctorate in civil law. He also created the colleges of technology, education and art in Brighton which came together to form a polytechnic. It is now Brighton University. During his long period of office, Brighton also made the first steps towards introducing comprehensive education. Dr Stone also ensured that the old technical college, now City College, survived and prospered.
687 Scania Omnidekka - carried name since delivery in October 2007 in Regency livery. Regency branding changed March 2011. Repainted into revised Regency livery October 2014. Regency branding removed September 2015. Name changed to Thomas Highflyer in June 2018.