668 Bob Copper
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Bob Copper, who lived all his life in a small section of Sussex, won international renown for singing local folk songs. He performed songs that had been passed down through his family over the centuries and was able to delight a wider audience. The Coppers have been in Rottingdean for more than 400 years and for most of that time have been on the land. Bob, born in 1915, learned most of his songs from his family including his grandfather, James. All members of the family, no matter how old or young they were, joined in the singing. Some of their work appeared simple but was surprisingly complex in harmony. Although Bob and his family stuck to folk songs, their musical tastes were wide and Bob was an enthusiast for blues music. He also went to see Louis Armstrong in London in 1933. The Coppers were influential during the folk song revival of the Sixties and Seventies. Their songs were recorded and brought to a wider audience by the English Folk Dance and Song Society. Bob Copper wrote several books including A Song for Every Season in 1971 which increased his reputation. Before his death in 2004 aged 89, he was proud to know that younger members of his family would continue to sing the songs.
668 Scania Omnidekka - carried name since delivery in May 2006, Coaster vinyls removed September 2006, then reapplied in April 2007. Removed again September 2007.