608 Albert Ketèlbey
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : The first millionaire composer was born in Birmingham in 1875. Albert Ketèlbey showed a talent for music at a young age and was composing pieces by the time he reached his teens. He went to Trinity College of Music and beat Gustav Holst in a scholarship competition. Ketelbey achieved critical success for his choral and chamber music. But his greatest success was in more popular pieces which brought him fame and money. Among them were Bells across the Meadow, In a Persian Market, In a Chinese Temple Garden and In a Monastery Garden. Ketèlbey often chose rather exotic subjects which appealed strongly to sentimental audiences. His work was popular with theatre audiences and in the 1920s he became leader of the West Pier orchestra in Brighton. His music is now rather out of style but was worthy of comparison with that of Strauss and Lehar.
608 Scania Omnidekka carried name since delivery in June 2003, repainted into new livery February 2006. Bus sold in April 2015.