607 George Hole
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : Neighbours of George Hole in Sanyhils Avenue, Patcham, thought they were living next to a secret agent. But the 12-feet long object pointing towards the skies was not a secret weapon. It was a telescope and Mr Hole was an amateur astronomer but one a cut above the average. Even today, his groundbreaking pictures of the Moon are on display at Foredown Tower in Portslade. Mr Hole manufactured telescopes and special lenses. His largest telescope was used during the 50th transmission of The Sky at Night on BBC TV. In 1961, the BBC asked if they could use his telescope when the Russians attempted a moon landing. Over the years, many pictures of space were broadcast from the garden of his home, culminating in those of the Apollo moon landing in 1969. Mr Hole’s company was based in Middle Road, Brighton, and Patrick Moore was among the directors. In 1967 the Royal Greenwich Observatory approached him to make a copy of the world’s first reflecting telescope designed by Sir Isaac Newton and this was presented to the Queen. Mr Hole, who had three children, died in 1986 aged 73.
607 Scania Omnidekka carried name since delivery in July 2003, name changed to white text in November 2005, repainted into new livery August 2006. Bus sold in April 2015.