825 Sir Winston Churchill
550 Sir Winston Churchill
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove : The celebrated wartime Prime Minister attended a school in Brunswick Hove when a small boy. His parents paid little attention to him when he was there and Churchill was at times unhappy. He also at one time became seriously ill. Luckily he survived and went on to attend Harrow where he did not cover himself with scholastic glory. But later he became a journalist, writer, MP and Prime Minister, leading Britain to victory against Hitler in 1945. Honorary Freeman of the Borough of Brighton, 3 October 1947. He died 18 years later aged 90. A plaque on a house wall in Landsdowne Place records his local schooling. He would worship at the Chapel Royal steadfastly facing east whilst the rest of the congregation faced, incorrectly but logically, north.
825 Dennis Trident - carried name since delivery in March 2000, repainted into new livery June 2005. Name transferred to new Volvo Gemini 550 May 2012. Smarter Charter branding added August 2012. Name replaced with Dennis Palmer for a month in April 2015. Repainted into Spirit of Sussex bus livery August 2017. Name changed to white June 2018. Name removed in July 2020.