426 Janet Brown
Names on the buses
Connections with Brighton and Hove :
Janet Brown became famous in the 1970s and 1980s through her uncanny ability to impersonate the Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. Born near Glasgow in 1923, she started work on TV in the 1950s, eventually appearing with impersonator Mike Yarwood. Brown played Mrs Thatcher many times on TV and also impersonated her in a James Bond film For Your Eyes Only. She wrote a book called Prime Mimicker. She met Mrs Thatcher several times and the two women struck up a friendship. Brown was invited several times to 10 Downing Street. Brown also did other impersonations including one of Esther Rantzen. She was an accomplished stage and film actress. She spent much of her life living in Brighton and Hove where she became friendly with the comedian Max Miller. Brown married the actor Peter Butterworth who appeared in Carry On films. He died in 1979 and she died in a Hove nursing home in 2011. She loved Brighton and the surrounding countryside. She is buried at Danehill near Sheffield Park.
426 Volvo Gemini - carried name since delivery March 2012 on Route 1. Repainted into Regency livery with Drusillas adverts April 2016. Front also wrapped in June 2016. Brighton & Hove added to front June 2018. Drusillas wrap removed September 2019 and full Regency livery added. Repainted into new Regency livery May 2022.