Names on the buses 354 Dr Octavia Wilberforce

Connections with Brighton and Hove : Octavia Margaret Wilberforce was born to a famous family on 8 January 1888 at Lavington House, Petworth in Sussex. As a daughter she was not valued and received little formal education. Her father disinherited her when she refused to marry the son of Earl Buxton, telling her family she wished to become a doctor. Despite the prejudice facing female doctors before the war and her lack of education, by 1913 she was able to enter the London School of Medicine for Women, qualifying in 1920. She was financially supported by friends like Elizabeth Robins, the famous actor, writer and suffragette, whom she met in 1909 and lived with at “Backsettown”, Robins’ house near Henfield, often used as a refuge for suffragettes. It was the start of a life-long friendship and partnership. In 1923 Octavia and Elizabeth set up home and general practice at 24 Montpelier Crescent, Brighton. Today there is a Blue Plaque on the house commemorating their work in improving the life of women. They worked with Louisa Martindale to develop specialist local health services for women, notably the New Sussex Hospital for Women, where Octavia later became Head Physician. In 1927 she developed “Backsettown” as a female convalescent home. Octavia Wilberforce formally retired in 1954, but continued to work at “Backsettown” until her death on 19th December 1963.

354 Alexander Dennis Enviro - carried name since October 2020.