Names on the buses 336 Ann Ewings

Connections with Brighton and Hove : Ann Ewings was a tenant advocate and campaigner who ‘took no prisoners’. She became known as the ultimate good neighbour whose ‘heart was in the right place’, helping other people more than herself. Arriving in Brighton more than 60 years ago, Ann spent her later life in Tyson Place near Edward Street. For many years she worked for Sir Andrew Bowden when he was MP for Brighton Kemp Town. This experience proved invaluable for her later roles in the community — being used to doing her homework she came to meetings armed with facts and was never shy when it came to challenging the status quo. She ran the residents’ association in Tyson Place, where she developed a fearsome reputation for being independent and single minded in taking up individual cases with the authorities to improve the conditions for local tenants. Ann was also a trustee and user of the Brighton Resource Centre, where she was described as ‘one of a kind’ dedicating her time to helping local people with their housing concerns. She was known to many in the Queen’s Park neighbourhood as the organiser of the annual Picnic in the Park raffle, helping to raise money for charity. She died in 2017 just before her 80th birthday.

336 Alexander Dennis Enviro - carried name since October 2020.