Names on the buses

213 B S Huntbach

Connections with Brighton and Hove : Barrie S Huntbach (1935 - 2006) He was an amateur artist, working during the day in a series of manual low paid jobs. His artwork was his life. His first major mural was painted 50 years ago, in 1971. It was a commission for Portslade Town Hall, where it still hangs today. He did a second mural for Emmaus in Portslade Old Village in 1987. It hangs there still.

He had many exhibitions locally, particularly with the Society of Catholic Artists, in Brighton, Rottingdean and Worthing. He moved from Nottingham to St. Andrew’s Road in Portslade as a baby. He went to school locally. He lived all his adult life in Stonery Close, Portslade. He married and had four children (three still live in the area).

He never learned to drive so either walked everywhere or used the bus service. The 1 or 1A routes would be typical.

213 Volvo Gemini - carried name since October 2022.